Jane Rollins Lettering Artist
In 1980, after having completed a masters program in special needs, Jane decided to take a calligraphy class to wind down from the pressure. Little did she know how she would become hooked and mesmerized by the meditative practice of the letterforms, which combined a fascination for ancient history and love of words and letters. Four years later she left the field of special education and began her own business as a professional freelance calligrapher. Thirty years and scores of classes later, as both student and instructor, she is more committed than ever.
She spent many years of study focusing on the refinement of historic and traditional letterforms, which form a strong basis from which to develop more a contemporary and gestural look. Lately, her work has combined the gestural lines with traditional lettering forms. She enjoys experimenting with unconventional lettering tools and mediums which allow for more freedom of expression while creating layers of texture and complexity.